Nomination Fees
Nomination Type | INR | USD |
Research Scholars / Students / Young Professional (Less than 30 years of age) | 5,000 | 200 |
Individual Awards | 8,500 | 340 |
Organization and Project Awards | 25,000 | 1,000 |
- GST @ 18% shall be levied as applicable.
- Fees in Indian Rupees (INR) valid for Indian Resident only.
- Each organization is required to fill in a nomination/ self-nomination form.
- Payments will be accepted online through credit/debit card or through cheques/drafts, favoring "AQUA FOUNDATION" with the company's and individual's name written at the back of the cheques/ drafts, payable at New Delhi and should be sent to:
The Secretary General
Aqua Foundation
E- 166, 2nd Floor, Kalkaji
New Delhi – 110019
M: +91-9818568825, +91-9873556395
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