Conference Abstract Information
The requirements for the abstract are as follows:
(Please download the template here)
- Propose title of less than 15 words. This title must be included on the first page of the extended abstract (first page only).
- Extended abstracts must be in English, original and not have appeared in any other publication.
- The body of the extended abstract needs to be four (4) full pages in length, paper size A4. Longer or shorter sized abstracts will not be included in the review process and consequently be rejected.
- The extended abstract should consist of text and appropriate figures supporting the key message. The text should contain at least one figure and references. Four pages of text alone are unacceptable.
- The extended abstract must concentrate in itself the essential information of the presentation: purpose, methods, results and conclusions. It should be an abbreviated, informative, accurate representation of the presentation and not a mere recital of the subjects to be covered.
You can submit the Online Abstract using the form below or email it to
The last date for submission is 15 June 2025.
Ms Praggya Sharmaa, Organizing Secretary
AF Academy, New Delhi, India
(An entity of Aqua Foundation)
E-166, 2nd Floor, Kalkaji, New Delhi 110 019 (India)
Mobiles : +91 9818568825, +91 9873556395
Telefax : +91-11-41318030
Email :
Website :
European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE)
EAGE Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd, UOA Centre - Office Suite 19-15-3A,
19, Jalan Pinang,
50450 Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia
Tel : +60 327 220 140
Email :
Website :